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87.9 FM Radio Loves No BBQ BBQ!!

Listen up local No BBQ BBQ fans!! A local radio station, 87.9 FM, now plays "I Forgive You" by No BBQ BBQ!! We are doing everything we possibly can for you loyal fans to hear No BBQ BBQ, but you need to do something for us too! First of all, start putting 87.9 FM on your pre-set stations! If you support No BBQ BBQ, you also need to support 87.9 so No BBQ BBQ will get more air play. Please visit the radio's website, and post on the message board. Let them know how much you love No BBQ BBQ and the radio station for playing them! Right now we're trying to get more of the No BBQ BBQ you love on the radio! Be sure to listen to 87.9 FM to hear for new songs!

No Shirt, No Shoes...Coming Soon!

The hard work of the five-member No BBQ BBQ has finally paid off. Their first cd ever will soon be available to the public audience. No Shirt, No Shoes will be the title of this live, 14 track release, featuring favorites such as I Forgive You, Turtle Dove, and Shoeless Man. The band hopes to have sales starting in early August, but no date is set for sure. Prices will start around $7 a cd, but as the produtction is still in brainstorming, nothing is set as of right now. More information will be available in upcoming weeks, as soon as the band members get back from vacation. Subscribers to the No BBQ BBQ Newsletter will be among the first to know the details about this upcoming cd release, so don't forget to sign up!!


Brad Elliott, a soon to be senior at Dondero high school, is the newest member to No BBQ BBQ. He quickly stepped into the picture when previous drummer, Sean Nasrey, decided to leave the band for another project.

Brad has been playing drums for about three years now and has contributed more than his share to the group. Not only can he play drums, he also sings, plays guitar, and writes song lyrics. Recently, Brad has been getting into recording music as well, and has done a few recordings for independent films. Inspiration is partly the reason music is such an important part of Brad's life. "Dave Matthews Band is a huge influence to me right now. Carter Beauford is very important to my playing. I am also changed by the drumming of Chad Smith, Dave Weckyl, of course...Buddy Rich, Omar Hakim...the list goes on. When i write music i look for inspiration in life, love, and Katie Scott (Brad's girlfriend)."

No BBQ BBQ has been great for Brad so far, he loves the guys in the band. "Sean's hyper, but every band has to have a spaz..." Brad said when asked what he thought about the band. Things look pretty good for the band this upcoming year, with the talented members and the fact that the band is "practically shitting [new] songs."

New Songs Everywhere!

Brad and Joe have just finished yet another song, "Lift me Up." Blake Wilson, one of the coolest, studliest guys ever invented, also co-wrote this song. Blake is Joe's friend from Japan, and he has spent some time hanging out with Brad and Joe. We thank him for his help. Listen for the new song "Lift Me Up," which will surely be debuted soon and may even be included as an extra track on our upcoming album "No Shirt, No Shoes."

No BBQ BBQ Summer

No BBQ BBQ started well over a year ago. The summer gave the band a chance to really take off. Daily practices and long hours of hard work made the summer known as the "No BBQ BBQ Summer" between band members. Once again, the band is hard at work, writing new songs daily and having marathon practices. With the return of musical inspritation of Joe Ridgway and the new talent of drummer Brad Elliott, No BBQ BBQ is taking this summer by storm, and coming back stronger than ever. Are you ready for the next No BBQ BBQ summer?!

No BBQ BBQ on Napster!

The music of NO BBQ BBQ can now be found floating around the mp3 program Napster. After recording their last gig, six tracks are now finding their way around the world. Don't get enough of No BBQ BBQ? Download No BBQ BBQ favorites such as I Forgive YOU, Turtle Dove, Your Boyfriend Sucks, In The End, Seventeen, and Baby Blues!

Want to get in on the action? Download Napster today! Check out the LINKS page for more info.

Drummer Sean Nasrey Leaves No BBQ BBQ

After a few differences with No BBQ BBQ, Sean Nasrey decided to leave the band. He has been working with his other band, Rudderhead Lounge, and decided to set aside No BBQ BBQ. Brad Elliot came into the picture after Nasrey stopped practicing with No BBQ BBQ

Talented as Ever...

One thing that sets No BBQ BBQ apart from other bands is the mulple talents and styles shown by its members. Every member of the band can play (at least decently) every instrument used by the band. ALMOST all members (except one, you know who you are, DAN) are accomplished singers.

Each band member brings into the band a different musical background and style, setting No BBQ BBQ's style apart from anyone else. Influences of the band include that of blues, classic rock, jazz, new rock, and even oldies. These styles are evident in the songs written by the members of No BBQ BBQ.

This webpage is constantly being updated. Check back often for recent updates on No BBQ BBQ, and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!!!!